Nursing Features
The nurse practitioner profession is growing at a rapid pace. And with growth comes change. Today’s nurse practitioners are dealing with staff shortages in rural areas, changes in educational standards, and battles for wider practice authority in select states. What will tomorrow’s nurse practitioners be concerned with? Our interview-based features and in-depth resource guides uncover the stories behind the big issues by talking to nurse practitioners who know the subject best.
Student Loan Forgiveness Programs for Nurse Practitioners: What to Know
November 7, 2023 – Becca Brewer, MEdWith three out of every four NPs staring down a debt horizon, understanding student loan forgiveness may spell the difference between a career that feels like indentured servitude and one that feels like a career choice made freely.
A Guide to Preceptorships for NPs
November 6, 2023 – Matt ZbrogPreceptorships are particularly useful for NP students and NPs who are transitioning into a new specialty area and they are almost always required to complete an MSN or DNP degree program.
Which U.S. States Have the Highest Demand for Nurse Practitioners?
November 6, 2023 – Becca Brewer, MEdWith NPs equipped with the skills needed for the current and impending needs in healthcare, the Bureau for Labor Statistics (BLS 2023) predicted that between 2022 and 2032, the demand for NPs will swell by 45 percent. An incredible 118,600 new NP jobs are predicted during this period.
A Guide to Electronic Health Records for Nurse Practitioners
November 3, 2023 – Sophia Khawly, MSNEHRs have become an indispensable tool in today’s healthcare practice. The benefit of an EHR is not only in the data it contains but how it is shared. Health information has become instantly available to authorized clinicians across health organizations, allowing them to coordinate care efficiently.
Workplace Violence in Nursing on the Rise
October 20, 2023 – Kimmy GustafsonWorkplace violence and aggression are increasingly becoming an issue in the healthcare industry. Nurses, a vital component of the healthcare system, are particularly at risk when it comes to verbal or physical abuse from either patients or family members. The National Nurses United’s (NNU) 2022 survey of 2,500 nurses found that nearly half of respondents reported increased workplace violence.
Analysis: Nurse Practitioners With Doctorates Sue to Gain the Title “Doctor” in California
October 17, 2023 – Douglas MarkCan a nurse practitioner with a doctoral degree call themselves “Doctor?” Arguing that they have civil rights under the U.S. Constitution to do just that, three California nurse practitioners with doctorates filed a June 2023 lawsuit against the state’s attorney general. Defendants also included officials from the Medical Board of California and the California Board of Registered Nursing.
How to Write an Excellent NP School Personal Statement
October 16, 2023 – Rachel Drummond, MEdSo why are nurse practitioner admissions so competitive? A shortage of qualified nursing teaching faculty and an increasing number of retiring nurses are some possible reasons, according to CNN. One thing is sure: applicants for nursing practitioner programs must put together flawless applications to rank high with an admissions committee.
Top Blogs for Nurse Practitioners & Students (2023-2024)
October 11, 2023 – Matt ZbrogThe journey to becoming a nurse practitioner can sometimes seem overwhelming, but the best nurse practitioner blogs make you feel less alone and more equipped to take the first steps.
What is the APRN Compact for Multistate Licensure? Challenges & Opportunities
October 4, 2023 – Kimmy GustafsonThe key benefits listed for the APRN compact include easier access to care, the ability to provide telehealth services, ease in providing disaster and pandemic relief, flexibility for military families, simpler online nursing education, and a lower cost since APRNs need to maintain only one license.
Prescribing Controlled Substances – What to Know
September 22, 2023 – Sophia Khawly, MSNIn their practice, NPs should create a controlled substance agreement and implement it with their patients receiving these medications. They should also utilize the PDMP of their state before each prescription, and order urine drug screens routinely. Lastly, NPs ought to e-prescribe controlled medications to prevent fraud.