Nursing Features

The nurse practitioner profession is growing at a rapid pace. And with growth comes change. Today’s nurse practitioners are dealing with staff shortages in rural areas, changes in educational standards, and battles for wider practice authority in select states. What will tomorrow’s nurse practitioners be concerned with? Our interview-based features and in-depth resource guides uncover the stories behind the big issues by talking to nurse practitioners who know the subject best.

Strides Toward NP Full Practice Authority in 2023: What States Are Left?

May 30, 2023 – Kimmy Gustafson

Nurse practitioners provide a wide range of preventive and therapeutic health services, including conducting physical exams, diagnosing and treating illnesses, ordering medical tests, prescribing medications, and providing patient education and counseling. They offer a high level of care that is both cost-effective and accessible.

Acute Care AG-ACNP vs. Primary Care AG-PCNP | Adult-Gero NP

May 1, 2023 – Rachel Drummond, MEd

There are two adult gerontology specializations: acute care and primary care. In general, acute care is focused on illness and injuries, and primary care focuses on wellness and prevention. Learn more and view a side-by-side comparison of these two adult-gerontology nurse practitioner sub-specializations.

Creating and Maintaining a CAQH Profile

April 28, 2023 – Sophia Khawly, MSN

Registering for a CAQH profile allows providers to self-report education, work history, malpractice history, and other demographics. This information creates an online credentialing profile so insurance companies can easily access and verify the details.

How to Make Your Nurse Practitioner (NP) Resume Stand Out

April 24, 2023 – Sophia Khawly, MSN

Creating a unique resume as a nurse practitioner is lucrative to stand out from a sea of applicants. A resume communicates the brand of the NP and their qualifications. The job of a resume is to get you to the interview and then facilitate the relationship between you and the possible new employer.

NAPNAP President Shares Proposals for Healthcare Reform

April 14, 2023 – Matt Zbrog

Healthcare reform doesn’t have to be radical, either. Small, logical steps can build a meaningful path to a safer, more equitable healthcare system. Sometimes the change comes quickly: the Covid-19 pandemic forced providers and patients to adapt to new and brutal conditions but simultaneously accelerated telehealth adoption. Other times, battles for reform are hard-fought.

Ask an NP: What to Know About Working in Rural Healthcare

April 10, 2023 – Sophia Khawly, MSN

Working in rural health can be both challenging and rewarding. This population has a lot of health disparities and limited access to care. The amount of nurse practitioners joining rural healthcare increases each year.

Taxes for Nurse Practitioners: W2 Employee vs 1099 Contractor

April 6, 2023 – Sophia Khawly, MSN

There are pros and cons of being paid as a W2 employee and being a 1099 contractor or self-employed. Some may prefer having benefits being a W2 employee, such as health insurance, whereas some prefer being a 1099 contractor, where the hourly pay tends to be higher.

Ask a Professor: The Practice Environment in Arkansas

March 30, 2023 – Matt Zbrog

Demographic distortions driven largely by the Baby Boomer generation create a steep disparity between healthcare supply and demand. Nationwide, medical schools aren’t graduating enough primary care physicians to meet the complex needs of an aging patient population. Some states such as Arkansas are already feeling the effects.

PNP-AC (Acute Care) vs. PNP-PC (Primary Care) | Pediatric NP

March 23, 2023 – Kimmy Gustafson

This guide explains the similarities and differences between acute and primary care pediatric nurse practitioner specialties to help current and future nurse practitioners decide which path is right for them.

A Day in the Life of a Telecommuting Nurse Practitioner

March 22, 2023 – Becca Brewer, MEd

A 100 percent telecommuting NP works in a software-based virtual environment in the physical location of their choice. The only real requirement of a telecommuting NP’s physical work environment is that they can connect to the internet and maintain patient confidentiality throughout the duration of virtual, email, phone, and/or video-based visits.