APRN Guides
Pursuing an advanced nursing career is challenging, but there is a wealth of scholarship opportunities, professional associations, salary guides, and more to help aspiring APRNs. Check out our authoritative resource guides below.
Nurse Practitioner (NP) vs Physician Assistant or Associate (PA)
September 7, 2022 – Rachel Drummond, MEdPursuing a clinical healthcare career isn’t limited to becoming a physician. With a two-year master’s degree, one can become a nurse practitioner (NP) or a physician associate/assistant (PA) and provide primary or specialized care in clinical settings.
Nurse Practitioner (NP) vs Registered Nurse (RN)
August 31, 2022 – Rachel Drummond, MEdThe demand for registered nurses and nurse practitioners is fueled by increased patient loads brought on by expanded health insurance, a nursing retirement surge, and the healthcare needs of the large Baby Boomer population.
Investments & Financial Planning for Nurse Practitioners (NPs)
August 24, 2022 – Sophia Khawly, MSNNPs are high-salary professionals and should take the time to learn how to save and invest their money. By using the saving vehicles below, they can decrease their tax burden and optimize their path to financial success.
The Process to Become a Nurse Practitioner – What to Know
July 26, 2022 – Kimmy GustafsonToday, nurse practitioners are licensed independent healthcare practitioners who provide high-quality medical care to all types of patients. They have completed additional education beyond an initial nursing program, holding either master’s of science in nursing (MSN) or a doctor of nursing practice (DNP) degree.
Establishing an Independent NP Practice: What to Know
June 28, 2022 – Sophia Khawly, MSNA nurse practitioner is passionate about helping people. Becoming an entrepreneur can be quite challenging. Once they become a business owner, they must develop a business plan, research and understand revenue models, and hire and train new staff.
First Year as a Nurse Practitioner (NP) – What to Know
June 1, 2022 – Sophia Khawly, MSNThe first year working as an NP is very important in the NP's career in order to expand on the knowledge base that was established during their education. During this year, many of the skills and education that were gained during their graduate program are practiced and reinforced. This is when the NP begins the transition from being an RN.
A Guide to Telehealth & Remote Nursing for NPs
May 17, 2022 – Matt ZbrogBy connecting with patients digitally, telehealth providers can better allocate healthcare resources, and increase access to care in underserved populations and regions. If utilized to its full potential, telehealth could be a revolutionary force in American healthcare.
Resources for NPs: Guide to National & State Professional Associations
May 6, 2022 – Matt ZbrogWhile NPs are completing their estimated 1.06 billion patient visits every year, professional national and state associations give them a unified voice. No matter where a nurse practitioner is, no matter what they specialize in, no matter whom they serve, a professional organization exists to support them in their efforts.
An Expert’s Guide to Crushing the NP School Admissions Interview
March 31, 2022 – Cevia YellinSome nurse practitioner (NP) programs require an interview. With thoughtful preparation, the interview can provide NP faculty with valuable insights into the strengths of an applicant’s candidacy.
A Nurse Practitioner’s Complete Guide to Getting a Raise
March 14, 2022 – Sophia Khawly, MSNOne of the best times to ask for a raise is during an NP’s annual performance review. Be prepared with a list of accomplishments, copies of patient satisfactory reviews, and productivity statistics to support the ask for a raise.